Editorial service
- Journal editing
- Associate editor, Studies in Second Language Acquisition (2023 – present)
- Guest Editor, Special Issue of Studies in Second Language Acquisition: Replication in Second Language Research (2024)
- Guest Associate Editor, Special Issue of Applied Psycholinguistics: Toward a Just and Equitable Applied Psycholinguistics (2023)
- Guest Co-editor, Special Issue of IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching: Tense, Aspect, and Modality in L2 (2017)
- Editorial boards
- Applied Linguistics Press (2024 – present)
- Language Teaching (2019 – present)
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition (2021 – present)
Reviewer for journals
- Applied Linguistics
- Applied Psycholinguistics
- Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education
- Canadian Journal of Linguistics
- Canadian Modern Language Review
- Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
- Foreign Language Annals
- Frontiers in Psychology
- International Journal of Bilingualism
- International Journal of Learner Corpus Research
- International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
- Journal of Communication Disorders
- Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
- Journal of French Language Studies
- Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
- Journal of the European Second Language Association
- Language
- Language Awareness
- Language Learning
- Language Teaching
- Language Teaching Research
- Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism
- Modern Language Journal
- NPJ Science of Learning
- Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
- Revue Romane
- Second Language Research
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition
- System
- TESOL Quarterly
Reviewer for Grants and Awards
- AAAL Dissertation Award
- ACTFL-NFMLTA/MLJ Emma Marie Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in Foreign Language Education
- Albert Valdman Award
- Austrian Academy of Sciences
- British Council
- Christopher Brumfit Essay Prize
- Dutch Research Council
- IRIS Replication Award
- Israel Science Foundation
- Swedish Tercentenary Foundation
- University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Conference Organization
- Co-organizer of Advances in World Language Pedagogy-The CALPER Professional Development Webinars, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, spring 2023-24.
- Co-organizer of Open Science Bootcamp 2023, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, fall 2023.
- Organizer of Penn State Workshops in Research in Research Methods for Applied Linguists, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, fall 2020-24.
- Co-organizer (with Carrie Jackson and Janet van Hell), Multidisciplinary Approaches to Child and Adult Language Acquisition, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, October 2018
- Co-organizer (with Norbert Vanek), Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2 (TAML2), York, June 2016
- Organizing committee member, 24th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA), York, September 2014
- Co-organizer, Residence Abroad, Social Networks and Second Language Learning, Southampton, April 2013
- Co-organizer, Younger=better? Comparing 5, 7 and 11 years olds learning French in the classroom, Newcastle, June 2011
- Conference chair, The Fourth Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Newcastle, March 2009
Professional Association Offices
- American Association of Applied Linguistics
- Dissertation Award Committee, member (2021-23)
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
- Emma Marie Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in World Language Education Committee, member (2019) and co-chair (2021)
- Association for French Language Studies
- Workshops Co-ordinator (2013-15)
- Membership Secretary (2015-17)